Terms, Agreement, Privacy Policy, Etc..
Use of Words
Throughout this site, the terms “us” “we” “our”, refers to us as an Entity (The Astrology Network LLC - USA, and Ltd incorporated/and incorporated ™ in other Jurisdictions). These terms (us, we, our) also refer to our affiliates, partners, influencers, content creators, authors, astrologers, parent companies, advertisers, and the likeness thereof. - So does the word “entity”. Your contractual relationship with us, is effective regardless of the entity operating this domain. This domain is operated by multiple entities and is not a sole asset of The Astrology Network. From time to time, we update these terms based on the operating company. We have the sole right to put an end to our services at anytime in the future with or without giving notice. All Rights Reserved - 2019 - 2022.
General Agreement & Understanding
Our Astrology, and any form of Content, assumed “Advice/Influence” deriving from us (directly or indirectly), is not a form of substitute for legally recognized professional counselling/therapy. You are responsible for all actions you undertake and for seeking legal help. If you are a minor (under 16, 18, and/or 21 depending on your jurisdiction and type of law applicable for horoscopes), then as minor, you may need to get consent from your legal guardians to get a reading that is similar to what we would offer adults over 18. If you order a reading as a Minor, your reading will be basic, unless if the payment method used is owned by an Adults’ Account. There are no precise laws governing astrology / horoscopes, therefore this is only Entertainment. We are an Entertainment Company, and you hereby understand that we are not liable nor do we take responsibility for the influence deriving from our Entertainment Services (wether they be Media, Horoscopes, Community Boards/Forums). By using our site, services, and engaging with our authors, community, influencers, astrologers, content, and other entities affiliated, hereof, thereof, or that appear, or have appeared elsewhere before and/or after our existence, you waive the right to pursue legal action against us, for any reason.
Dispute / Resolution Method
In the unlikely case that a dispute cannot be resolved by the parties in the by-law agreement, then confidential binding arbitration conducted by JAMS or an arbitral chosen by the entity shall be the only form of legal proceeding.
Trade Policy: Sale, Refund & Mutual Considerations
Final Sale of Readings
All Purchases are final sale, there are no refunds given. Before purchase, you can get a free “pre-reading”/chart inspection if you like, or you can also visit our community board and/or hear from testimonials. Once you purchase, you waive the right to claim a refund via Payment Method, via your Bank, and/or any other method now known or hereafter devised. In the unlikely case where you have paid in advance, but do not receive your reading on time, you have the right to claim a refund once you have communicated with us. In the unlikely case of pandemics, layoffs, and other situations where we and/or vital third-parties are absent and you do not receive your reading after payment, then you have the right to a refund only through the following methods: via your Bank, via Payment method, and/or via contacting us directly.
Restricted Content Policy
All Rights Reserved.
Readings that you receive from us are part of our intellectual property, they are confidential, and should not be shared on the internet without our prior approval. In limited cases, you may share your readings on our community board, and/or we may share your testimonials on our websites, and/or we may feature you in a video; such sharing shall be edited and reviewed by us. You may however, share your reading with your household, local friends and others who shall be bound to the same level of confidentiality. This policy also applies to all of our IP (intellectual property).
Privacy Policy
Information You Share With Us via Email/Communication